Green smoothie challenge – är du På?


It’s time for a new challenge! Kick-start 2015 by challenges yourself to drink green smoothie everyday for maximal health and Foodpower by Anna Ottosson.

Would you like to add one new healthy habit to your lifestyle, with huge health impact on your body? Let your blender spin and make a moustache. J I want you to find an easy way to receive healthy, nutritious food full off food power in your life. That makes you strong, full of energy to live the life you dream of. This doesn’t mean you have to be on diet, or count calories but that you fill your life with food power and enjoy it.

It’s easy! Make one green smoothie per day. Every day. In 14 days. Try it and feel the fantastic difference.

  1. Only you need – a blender and couple of minutes. You can do it at breakfast or whenever suits you.
  2. Try Food powers green smoothie recipe as inspiration: The base is always 1 pack of organic baby spinach, 1 avocado, fresh ginger (2-3 cm), 1 lime, then add topping as 1 banana, 1 apple, a little splash of good quality of orange juice and add water tothe desiredconsistency. Mix it! Yummy! You can ”go bananas” in the kitchen and of course try other green smoothies. The most important is that the base is green vegetable as kale, spinach, broccoli etc.
  3. Log you and your green smoothie or green smoothie moustache on face book, Instagram and post a picture tagging #mysmoothiemoustache


Invite your friends and let’s have a green smoothie party and make green moustaches all together #Healthy2015kickas. Because we want it. Because we are worth it.

Make space already in your Ical – 2 of Janury we start.


With Love,

Madame Moustache

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